Timber Hitch
The timber hitch is a knot used to attach a single length of rope to a cylindrical object. Secure while tension is maintained, it is easily untied even after heavy loading. To make the knot, pass the rope completely around the object. Pass the running end around the standing part, then through the loop just formed. Make three or more turns (or twists) around the working part. Pull on the standing part to tighten around the object.
A common error in tying can be avoided by assuring that the turns are made in the working part around itself. When making the hitch in laid rope, the turns should be made with the lay of the rope, that is, in the same direction as the twist of the rope.
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As the name suggests, this knot is often used by lumbermen and arborists for attaching ropes to tree trunks, branches, and logs. For stability when towing or lowering long items, the addition of a half-hitch in front of the timber hitch creates a killick hitch. This can also prevent the timber hitch from rolling.