Scout Troop Section
Introduction The Scout Troop is the principle section of 6th Kowloon Group, serving the age bracket that fully resides within DBS school years. It is a closed Troop, with membership offered to DBS students with strict priority, acceptance of candidates is dependent on the Scout Leader, acting on behalf of the Scouter Council. The leader of the Troop is the Scout Leader, each year through the Scouter Council’s approval, the SL will appoint ‘student-in-charge’ as the student leaders of the Troop for daily operations, student-in-charge will be granted a rank of O1-O2 with SL's recommendation, and will lead the Troop’s activities with the support from the Scouter Council. The GSL allows the SL full control of the troop as long as it is in compliant of the Group's Constitution. SL reports Troop status report to GSL.
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Section Organization
Section Commander
The Scout Troop is lead by a Commander (O5), with official position as Scout Leader. A Scout leader will be incharge of ALL events taking place within the troop, and is also responsible for keeping the activities planned and maintained with a high standard. The Commander may assign different roles to other officers to assist him in running the troop (O1 to O4+), with a Student-in-charge designated at O1/O2. The Student-in-charge will be the hand of the Commander, reporting and running daily operation with the authority granted from the Scout Leader. The SL may call Scouter's Council regularly to ensure operational matters are thoroughly discussed and up to standard.
Depending on qualification, each year there maybe a different amount of student-in-charge(s), The student-in-charge is the student leader of the troop, and from the School's Point of View, the student leader of the organization. The Student-in-charge will start with a rank of Cadet (O1), and upon completion of on job training will be granted the title of Lieutentant (O2). The Student-in-charge will be in charge of daily operations, making sure daily routines are structurally in operation. They will also be in charge of making sure PL council occurs weekly, acting as advisor in the PL Council. The Troop's democratical decisions will be made in the PL council, and the student-in-charge will have a vote within, though Veto Power may be granted to an O2 via the authority of the Section Commander. Student-in-charge should know each and every member well, making recommendation of their promotions to the Section Commander to be commissioned by the GSL. Student-in-charge will also be incharge of making sure weekly General Meeting (GM) are held accordingly to plan and up to standard.
Everyone within the age bracket of 11-16 who qualifies will be classified as a 'Member' of the Troop. Each Member will be sorted into a "Patrol". And within each Patrol there will be a Patrol Leader (PL) incharge of the Patrol's trainings and activities. Patrol Leaders will be granted a rank of M4/M5 will will have a Vote within the PL council, held weekly. Patrol Leaders are required to hold Patrol meetings to ensure younger members are being taught and trained regularly. Younger Members will be granted a rank of M1 upon Membership qualification and will slowly through the years be reviewed. More qualified members will be promoted to a higher rank and given a more authority and responsibility to help the Patrol Leader run the Patrol. It can be viewed as M1-M2 ranks as Junior Ranks, and M3-M5 as the Senior Ranks. The Rank of M6-7 are reserved for SPL, which is only granted to a Patrol Leader of outstanding service and qualifications. See also Membership Badge.
Patrols are the basic division of members in the troop. As of 2014, there are 4 Patrols, 3 Ordinary Patrols (FOX, BULL, EAGLE) and 1 Special (LION). Each Patrol is lead by a Patrol Leader, and may have a different training method driven by the Patrol Leader. Each Patrol will have their own assets, which will be kept within their designated Patrol Areas. Patrol Areas are subjected to the rules of the Scout Room, and should be kept in good order at all times. Member transfer between Patrols are rare events, and must only happen with the approval of the Scouter's Council with the Commander's sign off. Members will otherwise be part of a Patrol for their entire member life.
Fox is one of the oldest ordinary Patrol in the Scout Troop, founding virtues being 'Intelligence and Strategy', Official Patrol Colour being Yellow and Green.
Bull is an ordinary Patrol in the Scout Troop, founding virtues being 'Strength and Defense', Official Patrol Colour being Red.
Eagle is an ordinary Patrol in the Scout Troop, founding virtues being 'Precision and Special Operations', Official Patrol Colour being Green and Black.
Lion is a relatively new Special Patrol in the Scout Troop, founding virtues being 'Honour and Offense', Official Patrol Colour being Red and Yellow. All members with a Rank of >M3 will be automatically be inducted into Lion Patrol. Lion Patrol Leader is responsible for sharpening the skills of these experienced members with more advanced Training. On top of higher skill level requirements, Lion will also train for special ceremonies, such as Flag Hoisting for DBS, and Lion PL reports directly to SL/ASL-Training, bypassing Instructors for a more effective commanding line.
PL Council
PL Council is a weekly meeting to be attended by all PL+APL and >M4 & <O3 members. Within this Council, weekly operations will be discussed, where SL's orders and direction may be announced. SL may or maynot allow voting on matters, but otherwise all disagreements or decisions will be done by a common vote, where each person's vote will have equal weight. An O2 student-in-charge may have Vetoing Power on a vote if the Veto power is vested to the O2 by the Section Commander. Patrol Leaders should report their weekly progress, ideas and suggestions through this channel. Student-in-charges (O1/O2) will accumulate these ideas, and inturn report in the Scouter's Council to reflect the operation status of the Scout Troop.
Activities and GM
6th Kowloon Scout Troop is a Scout Troop of high standard, General Meeting will be held each Saturuday from 09:00 to 12:30 in DBS unless otherwise described. Each General Meeting will usually have a different theme, can be indoors or outdoors, with the majority of the outdoor activities to be held from Jan - Jun, once newer members have absorbed the basics. Activities may include but are not limited to the following activities:
Proficiency and Other badges
While Seniority and Authority is measured by Ranks, Skill level is measured by Progressive awards. In the Scout Troop, members will be placed into a Progressive Training Scheme, upon qualification, members will be awarded in sequence with the Membership Badge, the Pathfinder Award, the Voyager Award, the Challenger Award and , the Chief Scout's Award. Each Award will only be awarded when the members has completed all requirements within the Scheme, and signed off by Section Commander.
There are also many Proficiency Badges within the Scout's Proficiency Badge System, some Proficiency badges may be required for a Progressive level's completion. Members are highly encouraged to be trail for these badges in a constructive manner, challenging themselves into achieving something worthy. Proficiency badges are divided into 4 levels, Interest / Pursuit / Service / Instructor badges.
Annual Events
There are several Annual Events where our Scout Troop will place high priority over, not limited to the following events:
Uniform requirement
As a uniformed group, our Scout Troop has strict uniform code. The Troop follows Uniform standards from Scout Association of Hong Kong for the basics, with addition uniforms to be used under Outdoor activities and School functions listed below. Scouters have the authority to call for which Uniform to be used should it differs from the general guidelines here:
Scout Troop Member standard is No.4 Scout Uniform
Outdoor Uniform For Troop Outdoor Curriculum Uniform
Venture Unit Member standard is No.3 Scout Uniform
Scouter standard is:
- No.2 Scout Uniform For General Service.
- No. 11 will serve as Formal Service Uniform.
- SAHK Mess Kit for SAHK Formal Occasions.
- Customized Uniform by GSL for Group Occasions. **
School Operation School Uniform or by Section Leader recommendation.
See Also