Voyager Award 2015

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Badge of Scout Standard Award

This award represents achieving "The Standard" in Scouting set forth by 6th Kowloon Group, and the Voyager badge has been properly been renamed as "Scout Standard Award". This should also be the minimal level of proficiency a core member in 6th Kowloon Group should target to attain. Instructors or above can sign for requirements in Voyager. Same as pathfinder, 6th KLN's Voyager a slightly more difficult than the official training scheme, and should take around another year after Pathfinder to cover entirely.

Recipients of this award will also be awarded the Patrol Activity Woggle without further assessments. Scout Standard award will be a main consideration for whether a member can promote to M-3 or not.




Below listed the requirements of Scout Standard Award together with extra requirements from our troop.

  1. Outdoor Challenge 戶外活動
    1. Participate and record and Overnight Scout camp.
      • Must stay in tent.
      • DBS Camp DOES NOT count.
      • Camp log should consist a minimum of 8 pages, excluding cover page and comments.
    2. Know how to Pitch / Pack and Store a tent.
      • Must exam using A-Type Tent
      • Construct within time limit. (2 people in 15mins, or 3 people in 10mins)
      • Pack the Tent back in good condition.
    3. Build at least 4 different Camp Gadget
      • Can be done in Patrol Camp
      • Can work together with up to 4 people.
      • Can be exam through photos of constructions, from start to finish.
    4. Demonstrate how to set up a fire using Natural Materials
      • Start a fire using Wood.
    5. Know and participate in an outdoor cooking activities.
      • Being Cook in Patrol Camp counts.
      • Autoqualify with passing CampCook Interest badge or above.
  2. Adventure
    1. Participate in and record a hiking trip
      • at least 18km trip
      • Log required, no less then 6 pages of quality info.
    2. Understand the concept of scale and distance of a Map
      • Knows how to scale, and know basic legend of maps
    3. Demonstrate how to set a map
      • Pass Map setting test
    4. Use a map and compass to locate yourself
      • Triangulation to deduce your own position using landmarks.
  3. Pioneering
    1. Demonstrate the state the use of lashings.
      • Explains what makes a good lashing.
      • Including correct size ratios
    2. Obey the safety guide in pioneering
      • Know when to wear a helmet, understand danger of heights, and unstable structures.
    3. Use Knots, Hitches and lashings to practice a pioneer project. Know the following knots and lashings.
  4. Outdoor Activity
    1. Complete Outdoor challenge from pathfinder
      • if you have Pathfinder, you have this.
    2. Gain one more badge related to an outdoor activity
      • Campcook is easy. Athlete, Swimmer, Master-at-arms, all count.
    3. Participate in an Urban Orienteering Activity
      • City Tracing counts.
    4. Participate in an related activity using codes and signal flags.
      • Treasure Hunt and Signally both can count.
  5. Personal Development
    1. Gain one more badge related to fitness and health
      • Swimmer / Athlete Interest badges are good options.
    2. 設計及烹調一個可供小隊週末露營的均衡營養食譜;或
      • Design menu and cook for troop camp / patrol camp.
      • Automatic qualified with Campcook Badge.
    3. Participate in a Campfire of Camplight activity。
    4. Gain one more badge related to art or creativity
      • Collector / Model making / Musician are good options.
    5. Watch a Play or Show.
      • anything counts, just show me the evidence.
    6. Participate in an Art Exhibition.
      • anything counts, just show me the evidence.
    7. Perform a Patrol Song.
      • If you been to an HMS campfire, you got this.
    8. Visit an exhibition related to technology.
      • anything counts, just show me the evidence.
    9. Create an electronic Gadget.
      • anything counts, just show us the work done.

  6. Leadership
    1. 能闡述一艘船艇的各部份名稱及其配件裝備,並使用該艘船艇進行水上活動;或
    2. 認識飛機的各部份名稱及闡釋飛行原理;或
    3. 參與一個由小隊長會議和童軍團長認可有類似性質及相若程度之童軍技能活動。
      • Plan / lead a pioneering project (medium).

  7. Spiritual Development
    1. Participate in a Scouts' Own。
    2. Introduce a Religion
    3. Share your own Belief

  8. Society
    1. Service:
      1. Demonstrate basic first aid skill and show how to call emergency service
      2. Prepare a personal outdoor first aid kit for 1 day。
      3. Understnad Community Involvment。
      4. Participate at least 8-hours of Approved Service.。
    2. Community and Local Understanding:
      1. Participate or Visit a local culture or traditional Event
    3. Global Understanding:
      1. Introduce a foreign event of Culture

  9. Environment
    1. 完成下列其中一項:
      1. Describe the food chain, food web and ecosystem.
      2. Demonstrate how to measure wind speed and direction
      3. Describe how clouds form, and identify 10 types of clouds
      4. Explain the impact of natural disasters
      5. Understand "Leave No Trace"

  10. New Experience
    1. Participate in an activity with other troops or organizations

See Also


童軍訓練綱要 - 毅行獎章


Extracted from Scout Training Scheme version 9-2009.