Membership Badge

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Membership Badge

The membership badge, also known as the World Scout Emblem and the World Membership Badge, is worn by Scouts and Scouters around the world to indicate their membership. This is the first badge that all new members will attempt once they joined us. All new members must fulfill the requirements of the membership badge before they be considered for investiture. Only after investiture will members be entitled to wear the green beret, membership badge and our group scarf on their uniform.


  1. Attend at least six troop meetings, one of which should be an outdoor activity.
  2. Have a general knowledge of the Hong Kong and World Scouting movement.
    1. 貝登堡勳爵 (Baden-Powell)
    2. World Scout Movement
    3. Scout Association of Hong Kong
  3. Understand and accept the Scout Law, Scout Promise, the General Orders and the Scout Motto.
    1. Scout Motto
    2. Scout Promise and Law (either English or Chinese)
    3. General Orders
  4. Know Scout salute, basic movements of foot drill and the procedures of Investiture.
    1. Scout Sign and Salute
    2. Foot drill
      1. Bend the knee
      2. Position of Attention, Stand at ease and Stand easy
      3. Turning at the halt
      4. Inclining at the halt
      5. Saluting to the front at the halt
      6. Stepping forward and backward
      7. The side pace
      8. Marching and halting in quick time
      9. Turning in quick time
      10. Wheeling in quick time
      11. Changing step in quick time on the march
      12. Marking time in quick time
      13. Numbering
      14. Forming ranks
      15. Dressing
      16. Fall-in hand signs
      17. Dismissing and Falling out
    3. Procedures of Investiture
  5. Know basic knots and lashings
    1. Knots
      1. Bowline (稱人結)
      2. Clove Hitch (雙套結)
      3. Fisherman's Knot (漁人結)
      4. Reef Knot (平結)
      5. Round turn and two half-hitches (繫木結)
      6. Sheepshank (縮繩結)
      7. Sheet Bend (接繩結)
      8. Timber Hitch (曳木結)
    2. Lashings
      1. Square Lashing (四方編結)
      2. Diagonal Lashing (十字編結)
      3. Round Lashing (圓周編結)
      4. Shear Lashing (展立結)


See Also